ORP, or Oxidation Reduction Potential, is a measurement of the potential for oxidation or reduction reactions to occur in a solution. In simpler terms, it measures the electrical charge of a substance, indicating whether it has excess oxidized or reduced electrons.ORP is becoming increasingly important in health and wellness discussions due to its ability to affect the body’s overall well-being. Negative ORP, in particular, is highly beneficial for the body, as it contains an excess of electrons that nourishes and super hydrates cells while neutralizing lethal contaminants.

Why is -ORP necessary for our body?


The ORP level of water is a crucial factor in determining its health benefits. The lower the ORP level, the more negative electrons are present in the water, which means it has a stronger ability to reduce or neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and lead to various diseases. In contrast, a high ORP level indicates that the water is more oxidizing, which can cause harmful effects on the body.

Drinking water with a -ORP level is an excellent way for immunity boosting and improves overall health. Super Hydrators with a high -ORP level can help hydrate the body more effectively, providing essential nutrients to cells and improving their overall functioning.

Moreover, -ORP can reduce the effects of harmful free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, leading to inflammation and a range of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Negative ORP has the ability to reduce the oxidizing effects of free radicals by neutralizing their positive charges, thereby preventing damage to cells and DNA.

Electrons and the ORP scale

Electrons and the ORP scale range from +2000 mV (most oxidizing) to -2000 mV (most reducing). Pure water has an ORP of 0 mV, while seawater has a positive ORP of around +300 mV. On the other hand, freshly squeezed juice or living spring water typically has a negative ORP of -100 mV or lower.

Negative ORP is also known to have anti-aging effects. As we age, our body’s cells become less efficient at removing waste products and repairing themselves. This process can lead to oxidative stress and inflammation, which can accelerate the aging process. By drinking water with a negative ORP, the body can eliminate harmful toxins and improve cellular function, leading to healthier and younger-looking skin.

Negative ORP has also been shown to have beneficial effects on athletic performance. During exercise, the body produces free radicals, which can lead to muscle fatigue and inflammation. Drinking water with a negative ORP can help reduce the impact of free radicals and improve muscle recovery, allowing athletes to perform at their best.

In addition to drinking water with a negative ORP, there are other ways to increase the amount of negative ORP in the body. Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can help neutralize free radicals and improve the body’s ORP level. Exercise and exposure to sunlight can also increase the production of negative ORP in the body.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, negative ORP is essential for the body as it can help nourish and super hydrate cells while neutralizing lethal contaminants. Drinking water with a negative ORP level can boost the immune system, reduce the effects of harmful free radicals, have anti-aging effects, and improve athletic performance. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and exposure to sunlight can also help increase the body’s ORP level. It is important to consider the ORP level when choosing water and other foods to ensure the best possible health benefits.

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